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At Ashbrook Junior School our Art curriculum is inspiring and purposeful for all of our pupils. We want our pupils to be inspired by artists locally, nationally and from around the world. Pupils will have the opportunity to discover the pivotal role which artists have played and continue to play throughout many eras and have impacted on the lives everyone leads today.

We use the National Curriculum in England 2014 Framework for Art & Design as the basis for curriculum planning.  New planning formats ensure that there is good progression between units of Art as well as across year groups. Links are made to other curriculum enquiries of learning and references made to prior learning, and future learning.

While there are opportunities for children of all abilities to develop their skills and knowledge in each enquiry, the planned progression of knowledge and skills built into the Art curriculum means that the children are increasingly challenged and supported as they move through the school.  We want to celebrate pupils’ journeys and for them to be proud of their journey.

We are delighted to share with you that we are on a journey and working towards being awarded the Artsmark accredited by Arts Council England.