As a school, we follow the Charanga Musical School Units of Work which enables children to understand musical concepts through a repetition-based approach to learning. Learning about the same musical concept through different musical activities enables a more secure, deeper learning and mastery of musical skills. Each unit encourages the development of musical skills as the learning progresses through listening and appraising, differing musical activities (including creating and exploring) and performing. We aim to offer enrichment opportunities through learning a musical instrument.
This year, year 5 will be learning to play brass instruments with the hope of performing for an audience towards the end of their sessions. To provide real life applications, we make links with the local community where children are able to showcase their learning through live performances.
We ensure all students are able to access the curriculum through the use of the online resource (Charanga) and encourage determination when playing instruments and singing songs. Where further support is required, adaptations are made to ensure students are able to access the key areas of learning.